Travel may have resumed at full throttle but it has acquired a haphazardness that we aren’t accustomed to.

Getting from A to B is no longer a walk in the park. It requires far greater brainpower than we are used to, with the introduction of passenger locator and health declaration forms, testing procedures, vaccination certificates, mask-wearing protocol. Do you need a PCR or will Antigen suffice? Must your test results be presented within 24 hours, 72 hours, 90 hours?

Soon we’ll all need PHDs just to figure out how to go on vacation.

The airlines have suffered and the cracks are beginning to show. To cite an example, once considered a premium airline, British Airways is now a disaster.

Covid-related staff shortages mean hundreds of cancelled flights. The delays are painfully frustrating, even before factoring in the recent chaos at London Heathrow due to malfunctioning eGates at passport control. The airports aren’t equipped to deal with the surge of travellers desperate to take to the skies again.

Cue the glorious rebirth of private aviation.

Once a method of travel confined to only the most privileged, air charter is now a necessity, regardless of price tag. Its credentials cannot be overstated. Private terminals, no queues, complete control over departure and arrival times, full assurance of the highest levels of sanitation. No waiting around in crowded baggage carousel areas or searching for your driver in the arrivals terminal. Private aviation takes the misery out of international travel in its current state.

Travel experiences aren’t just about the destination. They begin and end with a journey. From the moment you step into your car, arrive at an airport and board a plane, the details should be executed to perfection. It ought to be a breeze.

Let the experts take care of it. Talk to us.