The ultimate access
Nota Bene is a leading luxury global travel, real estate, and lifestyle brand providing ultra-high net worth individuals access to the ultimate in money-is-no-object travel experiences, and international super-prime real estate.

“ Your contribution to the success of this weekend was decisive. In the name of all my colleagues and friends here, may I express our deep gratitude. ”
“ Nota Bene organised my beautiful trip to England - I travelled the English countryside and had some great experiences and an absolutely amazing trip with good memories. ”
“ I have always loved Nota Bene – they’re like your best friend dishing insider tips on where to go. ”
“ I am a cheerleader of Nota Bene and really appreciate the time and energy you put into everything you do for me. ”

Private Client Service
As one of our private clients under annual membership you will receive round- the – clock service with every detail taken care of.
A birthday celebration in the Greek islands, a multi- generational trip across the Arctic, privatisation of the Palace of Versailles, a Mediterranean yacht charter or the ultimate East African safari.
A separate team advises in the acquisition of super- prime real estate.

Invest your time and money wisely
If your travel interests include private islands and estates, access to major art events, ski and winter sports, wellness programs, private aviation, and far-flung explorative journeys, you can rely on Nota Bene to get it right the first time, every time.